September To DO List

When your nights have become chilly and streaks of orange and browns appear on the trees, you know it’s September. You are down to the last quarter of the year and wonder at how months pass by so swiftly. Then you stop and wonder what your year has become. It’s September and you still have time to get back on track and enjoy the year to the fullest.

Image: Haine Modular Sectional

Here is a September to do list you can start now.

1. Declutter your home and life

Down to the last quarter of the year, you often find yourself amid the mess. You spread yourself too thinly, trying to accommodate all appointments and end up dumping all your stress at home, a habit that makes you exhausted. Whether it be your personal life or career, staying within such a state sucks the energy out of you.

As Marie Kondo said, make peace with your environment and keep what only sparks joy. September is a great time to declutter your home and life. Getting rid of emotional baggage that’s weighing you down. At home, it could be organizing your closet and files, removing items that you no longer use. And in life, things or even people that’s not serving you right.

You have to say goodbye on some things to give space for other things to come in.

Image: bez architekta

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2. Make an investment in a Good For You mattress

As the ber months kick in, nights are longer and colder. It’s nice to snuggle in a soft mattress that guarantees a good night’s rest. You spend a quarter of your life in bed, so make an investment in a Good For You mattress.

Image: Wink Beds

small stylish home office with white desk with gold legs

3. Set your goals and take action

Make a list of things you want to do in your life and work on your goals. It’s never too late to jot down the items you wish to accomplish.Writing down can help you visualize your goals and sets you on the right path. More importantly, take action. Goals without actions are merely dreams. Goal setting is not that difficult. Working towards a goal is hard.

Image: house of chais

all white kitchen design with white wood

4. Make 4 weekly meal plans

Taking charge of your health is vital to living your life to the fullest. Food is a supercharger that can transform your body and increase stamina to go through your day. Make four weekly meal plans composting of balanced meals that are easy to prepare and friendly to your pocket.

Image: house of chais

wood white and pink bedroom with hanging  plants

5. Have a grateful attitude.

Each night when you go to sleep think about all the things you are grateful for. Doing so makes you appreciate the day that came by for that peaceful sleep. Gives you that boost of energy to wake up in the morning, looking forward to a day full of things to be thankful for.

Image: house of chais

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6. Hang a frame with a positive quote that speaks to your soul.

A negative mind will never yield a positive result. So, hang a frame with a positive quote to constantly remind you that life is good and things will get better despite all the struggles you face day in and day out. Hang it somewhere that’s visible, perhaps near your kitchen or office table as a gentle reminder to keep moving forward.

Image: Etsy


7. Spend 1 hour everyday of your life on self improvement and take a day off each week.

With the mountain of demands you face every waking day of your life, it’s easy to succumb and get lost. Eventually, you watch life pass you by and immerse yourself in the mundane of your everyday life.

Successful people become successful, not because they were naturally born that way. It’s their curiosity of the things around them and eagerness to constantly improve themselves that sets them apart. Power your mornings and spend at least an hour each day enhancing your skills and learning new things. If we consume food for our stomach, these are nuggets for your soul and brain to push you forward.

At the end of each week, take much-needed needed rest. Even heroes need to rest, why can’t you? So, plan ahead of time and allocate a specific day to recharge, practicing self-care. It is only in caring for yourself that you’ll have the capacity to care for others.

Image: tatiana home decor

home September to do list

Make your September count and turn things around. Enjoy the rest of the year while singing with the song of Earth, Wind, and Fire.

Tags: to do list

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